Neatflooring is authored and edited by me with a few guest articles that are indicated as guest writer.
The blog at its liberty and discretion accepts monitory compensation for advertisements, sponsorships and any form of promotions on its pages.
Despite receipt of payment, the blog content adheres to the word of mouth marketing standards and at all times strives for honest opinions and relationships guided by transparency. The monitory compensation received may influence the adverts on the website as well as topics discussed on the blog and paid advertising space will be clearly indicated as such.
The opinions of the authors of the articles on this blog are not sponsored. Any endorsements and expert opinions expressed in the articles on this blog are purely the honest expert and experienced opinions of the author who genuinely believes a product to be worth endorsing. Recommendations are made based on the manufacturer’s assertions about their product and experiences with the said product or service.
The reader of the blog is encouraged to verify product claims, statistics and quotes with the manufacturer of the product.
Some of the content on this blog may present clash of interest which may not be clearly indicated. Neatflooring is part of the Amazon affiliate advertising program under Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which is intended for sites like this one to earn revenue by advertising Amazon products and services for an agreed compensation. We therefore have a financial interest in the products advertised on the pages of the blog.